Sample Lesson


One Skill that Wins!

Do you remember the day when you were afraid to stand in front of an audience and speak? May be public speaking is one of the biggest fears of our lives. In fact, many established leaders, later admit that they too were nervous once. But how do we manage to get the courage to speak without fear? An effective public speaking exercise is more than a speaking exercise to a large crowd, we need this skill on a daily basis.

In this introductory course, we give you the taste of communication as a soft skill. Build confidence by frequent practical exercises to control anxiety, plan content, prepare with value addition in mind and overall personality development.

Training session going on at IWin Public Speaking academy

Good to know!

Public speaking possesses the transformative ability to inspire, inform, persuade, and catalyze positive change within individuals and communities.

sarah at iwin's public speaking course

Susan's story!

Susan, a marketing manager at a tech firm, faces a pivotal moment: presenting her team’s groundbreaking project at a company-wide conference. Despite initial nerves, she diligently prepares, crafting a compelling narrative and refining her delivery. As she takes the stage, Susan exudes confidence, captivating the audience with her passion and clarity. Her presentation earns rave reviews from colleagues and executives alike, sparking discussions and generating excitement about the project’s potential. Impressed by her leadership and communication skills, Susan’s superiors recognize her as a rising star within the company. Encouraged by this success, Susan continues to hone her public speaking abilities, seizing every opportunity to share her ideas and inspire others. With each presentation, she not only advances her career but also establishes herself as a trusted leader and influential voice within the organization.

How did she do it?

Preparation: Susan dedicated ample time to research, plan, and rehearse her presentation, ensuring she was well-prepared to deliver a compelling message.

Content Development: She focused on creating engaging and informative content, structuring her presentation to highlight key points and captivate the audience’s attention.

Delivery Skills: Susan worked on refining her delivery, paying attention to her tone, pace, and body language to convey confidence and credibility.

Audience Engagement: Recognizing the importance of connecting with her audience, Susan incorporated interactive elements and storytelling techniques to keep attendees actively involved and interested.

Continuous Improvement: Even after the presentation, Susan sought feedback from colleagues and leaders, using their insights to further enhance her communication and leadership skills for future opportunities.

Key Learning Outcomes

By the end of this public speaking course, you will:

  • Develop confidence in their ability to articulate ideas effectively.
  • Master techniques for engaging and captivating an audience.
  •  Acquire skills to organize and deliver persuasive presentations.
  • Overcome anxiety and fear associated with public speaking.
  • Enhance their communication style and delivery through practice and feedback.
  • Understand the importance of audience analysis and adaptation in speech delivery.
  • Learn to use visual aids and storytelling to enhance message clarity and impact.
  • Cultivate leadership skills essential for effective communication in various settings.
  • Gain the ability to handle impromptu speaking situations with ease.
  • Apply learned principles and strategies to real-world speaking opportunities.

Share your learning goals with coach for personal feedback!

The Public Speaking training program offers a comprehensive approach to enhancing communication skills for all levels, providing practical lessons, interactive training, and real-life tasks. With personalized feedback and support, learners can overcome obstacles and embark on a journey of growth and confidence in public speaking.

How to attend this intereactive course?


  • Mobile phone or Computer

Accessing this course

Learn at the comfort of your schedule, anywhere. Note down important points on a inbuilt note taking tool in your course or diary or a notebook and update it with new learning.

Your Course includes,

  • Materials on various communication techniques, (video, audio, text, images and slides)
  • Regular free-webinars to clarify your general doubts
  • End of the lesson assignments like quiz, question, text or video upload with feedback
  • Dedicated discussion forum to discuss your ideas or doubts
  • Certificate after course completion
  • Personal goal setting guidance to prepare for your career
  • App specific study materials for easy involvement
  • Zoom based interactive-sessions where you plan, prepare and perform

Finally, Learning is an ongoing task, continue to learn with us by participating actively in groups and forums.

Home Forums Public Speaking Fears : How to understand them?

  • Public Speaking Fears : How to understand them?

    Posted by iwin on 2024-02-14 at 8:34 AM

    Can you think of the common causes of fear in public speaking: Here are some tips to help you to comment on the discussion topic.

    • Fear of Judgment: Concern about audience evaluation.
    • Fear of Failure: Worry about mistakes or forgetting lines.
    • Fear of Embarrassment: Anxiety over appearing foolish.
    • Lack of Confidence: Doubts about speaking abilities.
    • Past Negative Experiences: Previous criticism or mishaps.
    • Perceived Inadequacy: Feeling unprepared.
    • Perfectionism: Striving for flawlessness.
    iwin replied 4 months, 2 weeks ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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Lesson-Based Doubts: Your input matters! Share your doubts, suggestions, or feedback. Our team is here to assist you promptly and ensure your satisfaction. Don’t hesitate to reach out; we’re committed to your success!

To-Do List for Learners:

Set Clear Goals:
– Define your objectives for improving public speaking skills.
– Establish specific targets for areas you want to enhance, such as reducing anxiety or improving delivery.

Practice Regularly:
– Set aside dedicated time each day or week for speech practice.
– Utilize resources such as speech prompts, online platforms, or speaking clubs to practice speaking in different contexts.

Seek Feedback:
– Solicit constructive feedback from peers, mentors, or instructors on your speech delivery.
– Use feedback to identify areas for improvement and tailor your practice sessions accordingly.

Record and Review:
– Record your practice sessions or speeches to review your performance.
– Analyze recordings to identify strengths and areas needing improvement, such as pacing, clarity, or body language.

Study Speech Techniques:
– Research and learn about various speech techniques, such as storytelling, persuasive speaking, or impromptu speaking.
– Explore resources like books, articles, or online courses to deepen your understanding of effective speaking strategies.

Attend Workshops or Courses:
– Enroll in public speaking workshops or courses to gain structured guidance and instruction.
– Participate actively in workshops, engaging with exercises and discussions to enhance your learning experience.

Join Speaking Communities:
– Join speaking clubs or groups where you can practice speaking in a supportive environment.
– Participate in speaking contests, events, or meetups to gain exposure to diverse speaking opportunities.

Visualize Success:
– Visualize yourself delivering successful speeches with confidence and impact.
– Use visualization techniques to mentally rehearse speeches and overcome performance anxiety.

Stay Consistent:
– Maintain a consistent practice routine to reinforce skills and build confidence over time.
– Stay committed to your public speaking goals, even when faced with challenges or setbacks.

Reflect and Adjust:
– Reflect on your progress periodically, celebrating successes and identifying areas for further growth.
– Adjust your practice methods or goals based on feedback and self-assessment to continually improve your speaking skills.

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Feedback / suggestions

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Sample Lesson

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