Now or in future? Train your child for public speaking skills now!


Have you planned for your child’s future goals? I bet you have. What are you doing for him in 2021?

We mean it. It is useless to get into any public speaking training programmes if you do not have the intention to put in your best. Most parents have told me that they do not consider it as essential to train their child in Public Speaking or Speaking Skills, rather they will send them for tuitions on subjects in school. The ultimate target of every subject learned in this way is to come out first in the examinations, and do these examinations test their skill or memory capacity? It is a tricky question. Most of the career-based English Language tests like IELTS or OET focusses on skills rather than knowledge of the language, we miss out on the opportunity to learn the skills by avoiding training.

It is time to set a goal to your child, by explaining the logic behind getting trained to speak and present confidently. It will greatly improve the quality of life and achievements, and train him to aspire for more.

Tip #1: Plan a skill-building programme along with studies in school.

Do you allocate time for your child to get exposed to reading and building knowledge? or a timetable?

Goal setting is easy. It is just a vague idea unless put into concrete action. Currently the pandemic has shown us that, communication skills are not only needed for speaking on the stage, but also to communicate online. Effective communication depends upon strategies which will give the best results.

Goals are broken down to tasks and given a deadline. That’s what we do at I win English Academy. We help the student to fix a goal, as specific as possible. As a second step, tasks are formulated which can lead one to the goals. We don’t train only for now but for the future.

Tip #2: After setting the goal to learn the art of smart communication, set specific tasks to lead you into your goal.

Learn to believe that every skill is learnable. Once you believe it, start learning.

The most important lesson taught by winners is that you can improve your skills by learning it. Why should we wait till we are at the doorstep of the interview room to pick up a few interview skills? We train our students to believe that every skill is learnable, and intelligence is not a fixed trait but can be expanded with learning.

Tip #3: Be part of an organized speaking skills development programme and start picking up skills. Live the life of confidence and growth.

Prajeesh Varkey


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