How to be an inspirational speaker?


Speaking to inspire is not an easy task, especially if the audience is restless. Though every speech is aimed to be informative in nature, listeners remember what you made them feel through emotions rather than data which is presented in detail.

Few points let me elaborate to make it clear:

Listening is the basic quality every aspiring speaker should possess. It helps to understand things even before one speaks a word.

Structure of a speech is what makes or breaks the speech. Important things should be fit into the structure and trivial points need to be chipped away. Both speech starting and ending need to be memorable, or the whole speech fails.

Research your points before presenting. It adds to your confidence, gives you credibility and informs the audience as intended. Select and present only what is required to inform.

Storytelling is an art which needs to be practiced by every speaker. Make it easy to listen to, meanwhile, you study the audience and adjust the tone. Speaking through imagery is the ultimate speech. Create visuals in the minds of listeners.

Delivery with genuine enthusiasm is the mark of a great speaker. Movements, body language, voice modulations, gestures, eye contact etc need to be carefully planned. Perform to make audience hook to your speech, show energy.

Last word, if you are speaking just to engage an audience, why not take it to the next level of your craft, always to inspire them?

Keep one thing in mind while drafting your speech the words by Mark Twain; the fewer words you use, the clearer the message it is.

Prajeesh Varkey