Speech Contest Registration (#17)

Smart Child speech contest

Students, Are you ready to speak and win?


Register a free account and visit the contest page. Instructions and upload link is given below.

When you are ready to upload your video, create a free dropbox account and upload using the button below.  

Please follow these guidelines:

Speech Medium – English

Time – 5-7 minutes (minimum 4 minutes)

Camera angle – Landscape (Keep camera/phone steady, avoid shaking). Ask your parents to shoot it for you. 

Quality – Set your camera to 720p, 16:9 at 30fps. Start recording and leave 30 seconds before and after speaking.

Video Format – MP4. (unedited file or single take)

Position – Standing position with upper body visible from waist up. Give space on all sides and be in the middle of the frame.

Background – It can be either interior or exterior with enough light to see your face and expressions clearly.

Disturbance – Turn off AC or fan before recording to reduce background noise. Switch off wifi from your phone and activate flight mode if you are shooting in mobile phone.

Topic selection – Any topic of your choice, but avoid topics of violence, drugs, sex, politics or religious matters. 

A brief on Judging Criteria – Do your best, enjoy your preparation.

Content – 50%

How clearly the idea is drafted and conveyed. Transitions, message, opening and closing effectiveness etc. 

You can use stories, but not a full story as a speech.

Delivery – 40%

Fluency, Gestures, Body language, Vocal variety, property use and overall enthusiasm.

Appearance – 10% 

Confidence, smart looks and grooming.

IWin SmartChild Speech Contest Previous Winners!