
iwin public speaking
Courses, Cohorts and Training

Smart Communication and Leadership Skills.
For All Reasons. For All Seasons.

Find the best training options

When problems cripple your success.


Fear of Public Speaking

Many learners struggle with intense nervousness and fear when speaking in front of an audience, which can hinder their ability to communicate effectively.


Lack of Confidence

A common issue is the lack of self-confidence in expressing ideas clearly and persuasively, leading to missed opportunities in both personal and professional settings.


Ineffective Delivery

Some learners often find it challenging to convey their messages in a coherent and engaging manner, resulting in misunderstandings, a lack of influence, and ineffective peruasion.

Powerful Public Speaking Skills.

Communication Skills

Express Comfortably.

Express with confidence and comfort. Gain communication skills for success in school, work, and life. Unlock a world of opportunities with right communication tools.

Leadership Skills

Lead Gracefully.

Leadership is built on Communication Skills. Hence, we train our learners with solid Active Listening, Storytelling, Time Management and Public Speaking skills, along with powerful Leadership lesssons.

public speaking skills

Speak Confidently.

Public Speaking opens doors for personal and professional growth. We invite you to overcome fear, remove the limiting factors and live a life with genuine confidence.


Storytelling Skills

Persuade Powerfully.

Inspire and persuade with compelling narratives, and elevate your leadership. With perfect storytelling techniques, you will enjoy building your personal brand.

Listening skills

Listen Proactively.

Active listening skills will give you the edge to learn and lead. It fosters valuable connections, set your leadership skills at play, and improve communication effectiveness. 

Time management Skills

Plan Effectively.

Effective time management is the cornerstone of leadership. It enables leaders to prioritize tasks, delegate effectively, and inspire others towards shared goals.

Speech Club

Why IWin is right for you.

Our training is focused on Leadership Skills. The SpeechClub, is an interactive training program which offers practical, mentored, feedback based sessions to conquer nervousness.

Along with Courses on Communication and Leadership Skills, SpeechClub also provides case studies, checklists and discussions.

Be it Public Speaking, Listening Skills, Storytelling or Time Management, we will help you to unlock your leadership potential. 

Polish SmartLife Skills.

Improve Fluency
Draft Powerfully
Use Gestures Effectively
Present Memorably
Set SMART Goals
Develop Discipline
Deploy Mindulness
Grow with Growth Mindset
Manage Time Effectively
Positive Body Language
Deploy Storytelling
Use Voice Effectively

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Start with a Free Course

Public Speaking
in 7 days.

We want you to succeed. Start learning free. Enroll in our introductory course Fundamentals of Public Speaking in 7 Days now.

You can access powerful learning resources in the discussion forums and groups with this free registration.

No credit card needed ✦ One year access

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Download Your e-book

Go ahead, download a helpful e-book with 10 tips on Public Speaking for children.